Consumer-Faced Logistics

Andrés Muñoz-Villamizar, Josue C. Velazquez-Martínez, and Sergio Caballero-Caballero from MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. E-commerce’s rapid growth, combined with customer demand for fast shipping, has significantly escalated last-mile...

Electrification of the Supply Chain

Prepared by Dr. Josué C. Velázquez Martínez from MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, Dr. Laura Palacios-Argüello, and Prof. Joachim Arts from Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Revolutionize Southern California’s transport...

Driver Behavior Impact

Drivers play a leading role in the determination of fuel efficiency. Therefore this research aims to diagnose the key factors that influence the fuel consumption in heavy duty fleet. This project considers factors such as driver’s behavior, driving errors, driver’s...

In the News…

So much news, so little time. To keep track of all the latest news from our sustainability team, we are posting snippets from news items featuring our team. Check out the latest interviews Alexis and Suzanne have given! July 2020:  Data, Not Digitalization, Transforms...