How much CO2 is actually in your products?

At this point, you might think that your job of reducing the carbon footprint of your car is pretty much complete. But have you ever thought about the CO2 that was emitted in the production of the car? How far were the materials and components transported? Was the...

How to Make CO2 a KPI for Freight

How to Make CO2 a KPI for Freight Transportation Driven by increasing volumes of goods moving through supply chains across the globe, demand for freight transportation is expected to triple over the next few years. If we continue shipping goods as we do today, freight...

Circular Supply Chains

The Circular Supply Chain Initiative in MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics envisions and explores how companies can leverage supply chain circularity to contribute to their sustainability goals, with a special focus on waste. We help identify and assess...

Communicating Supply Chain Sustainability

A key question companies face is how to communicate their supply chain sustainability achievements externally. In the past decades, many companies have invested in enhancing the environmental sustainability and social responsibility of their supply chain. This process...

Supply Chain Traceability

In the wake of various global scandals in supply chains including contamination, labor scandals, and environmental impacts, motivations for supply chain traceability and transparency are growing. Firms are increasingly being held responsible for the practices that...

Supply Chain Carbon Emissions

Carbon emissions are the de facto currency of climate change, yet many companies struggle to quantify carbon emissions, especially in the supply chain. Our researchers work with industry and stakeholders to develop and implement new methods to track and reduce carbon...

Organizational Change for Sustainability

This research focuses on the fundamental strategies and techniques required for organizational change to embed sustainability across the supply chain. Through a combination of interviews, surveys, and roundtables, research to obtain a deeper understanding on how...

Technology Innovations For Supply Chain Traceability

This project is an investigation into technology innovations for supply traceability. Beginning with a broad review of existing practices, best practices, and newly emerging technologies – this research seeks to examine the viability of emerging digital options such...

Towards Sustainable Palm Oil

Towards Sustainable Palm Oil: The viability of entire industries depends heavily on social and environmental resources. One of the clearest examples of this is in the palm oil industry. Rapid growth in demand has resulted in high rates of deforestation and deeply...

An Alternative Route to a Fuel-Efficient Last Mile

By: Josué C, Velázquez-Martínez, Director, MIT Sustainable Logistics Initiative, Karla M. Gámez-Pérez, Postdoctoral Associate, MIT Sustainable Logistics Initiative, Ken Cottrill, Editorial Director, MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. The recent...