This study presents a methodology to face the challenges that cities face in selecting sustainable and cost-effective transportation modes, helping planners make choices that can be expressed not only in monetary terms but also in environmental benefits associated with...
How to improve routing transportation decisions? What is the effect of topography in routing decisions? When solutions affected by topography affect distance-min route Davydov D., Velázquez-Martínez, J.C., Fransoo, J.C. (2018). “The impact of Topography on...
Last-mile home delivery is the last segment of the delivery process, and within there are significant fulfillment constraints and an associated economic and environmental costs. The “Green Button” Project allows customers to make the eco-friendly choice of waiting a...
In the era of e-commerce and climate change, sustainability in last-mile delivery operations has a pivotal role. The boost of online shopping and increasing expectations of fast shipping means more vehicles on the road with lower utilization, higher frequency of...
Decarbonizing the Air Transportation Sector: New greenhouse gas accounting and insetting guidelines for sustainable aviation fuel July 20, 2021 Smart Freight Centre and MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics launch new greenhouse gas accounting and insetting...
State of Supply Chain Sustainability’s Earth Day Infographic Insights on Covid-19 and Supply Chain Sustainability Happy Earth Day! We couldn’t think of a better date to kick off our annual Supply Chain Sustainability campaign and share with you a teaser from the...
By: Yinjin Lee and Alexis BatemanFirst published on ScienceDirectDownload Article Abstract This paper analyzed the competitiveness of premium and regular Fair Trade and Organic (FTO) coffees relative to conventional coffee using consumer panel data. The coffees...
We are thrilled to announce a new article in the journal Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment. This paper was developed in collaboration with Professor Haiying Jia ( from the Department of...
The goal of this survey is to gain a better understanding of the state of sustainable supply chains year by year. This is the 2nd year of the survey that will be continued annually. We aim to survey professionals globally across industries, regions, and positions to...